Monday 15 February 2016

Local Artists Express Their Hunger For Shows

Swazi musicians have been expressing their grief and hunger for shows to local organisers who seem to be silent these days.

It's been a while since local musicians last graced the stage with their flows and voices. Various artists have complained among themselves for the lack of shows which is a sign that they are in need of platforms where they can express themselves.

"All we need is to have our very own local show where only local artists perform" one of the artists said (name withheld). Its funny how most artists are under SWAMA, an organisation which is responsible for their concerns, its responsible for getting them shows. "It is hard for us to agree on one thing as artists because one us then wants to stand out and oppose whatever idea we have,thus we rely on shows which we are not paid on" one musician said with disappointment smeared around his face.

Now I'd like to urge each and every organiser to consider doing a show where only local artists perform, even though it can take time for international recognition but truth is we all know local musicians are gifted and all they need is the platform to showcase their talent.
You keep telling us the youth is the future but I doubt you think so, more especially when you ignore their needs.Its not just music careers but a dream, something they wanna put food on the table with.

To you whoever needs recognition patience pays, hold on, everything shall be okay.

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