Saturday 6 February 2016

Positivity& Hard Work Can Fill Up Mavuso

Not so long ago we've seen South Africa's artist packing the dome. They say dreams do come true and things will only change when we change on how we see things.

One of Swaziland's artists wants to fill up the Mavuso Sports Ground,that's his aim and the most inspiring part is that, people support him, others may not as well. However, there are certain questions that one may pose within.

Will it be only local artists who will be performing or again an armful of artists from outside the country will perform?
The reason why I decide to reveal this question is because, I've heard our local acts silently complaining for shows,and that pains me.

It is inspiring to see local artists using positivity as a reserve tank, so they can go extra miles. Yes it won't be easy (I think) but with a great team and support system, they can fill up Mavuso. The main aim of this article is not to expose one, but to let each and every artist know that'd only you and yourself know what you want and what's best for you so do it. Someone once said "if the best is from this world,I can be the best too" so get up and get what is rightfully yours.

Know this, things change when you change how you see things.

Illa Penboy can, it's in his hands and his his dream to #FillUpMavuso 

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